PTZ Settings
To the left on this page are six tabs that cover various capabilities. The contents vary based on the tab selected.
The right side of the page shows the camera image and PTZ controls. This portion of the page remains constant no matter which tab you are on.
Camera image and controls
The top displays the PTZ's current view. This view does not support 3D zoom; you must use the live view for that.
The lower left features the standard PTZ control rosette; the button in the center stops the PTZ if it is moving.
At the lower right, you can set the PTZ's zoom scale, as well as adjust the camera's depth of field.
At the bottom is the speed control for the PTZ.
This shows the presets currently saved to your PTZ.
You can adjust a preset by maneuvering the camera using the control rosette, then clicking Save next to the preset name.
Click the play icon to move the PTZ to that preset.
Click the menu icon to open a pop-up that lets you edit the preset name, or delete the preset.
Here you create and adjust the presets your PTZ moves through. In the list, click play and stop to review each trace. Click Create Trace to generate a new one, or click the menu icon in the trace list to edit an existing one. The pop-ups are very similar.
At the top, name your trace. In each row, select a trace and how long the camera lingers at that position. Click Add Preset to add to the list, or click the trashcan icon to remove a preset. Click Create Trace or Edit Trace to save your changes.
Here you edit the individual traces that make up your PTZ's group. Traces are listed in order. Click the menu icon to add a trace to an empty slot, or to delete a trace from that slot on the list.
At the top are buttons to play the group, stop playing, or to delete all traces and start over.
To create a patrol, click the menu icon and select Add Patrol. The PTZ immediately begins logging all actions you use, including pausing, zooming, etc. Use the control rosette to move the camera as desired. When finished click Save next to the patrol's name.
The play button plays that patrol on an infinite loop until you press the stop button.
Here you edit the individual camera functions that make up your PTZ's task. Functions are listed in order. Click the Edit Task button to open a pop-up.
Here you customize each function, choosing a specific preset, trace, or patrol; or choosing random scanning or boundary scanning. You can also click Add Function to append something to the task, or the trash icon beside a task to remove it (you cannot delete the first task). Click in the text boxes next to each function to adjust the times that the PTZ spends on each task. Click the Edit Task button to save your changes.
At the bottom, you can set that task as active.
Home Position
Here you set the camera's default activity; what it does when it has nothing else to do. At the top, choose from a specific preset, trace, or patrol, or choose random scanning or boundary scanning. Set the time the camera should wait for commands before moving into its default mode.